Establishing a Homework Routine

child doing homework with pencil

The kids are back in school which means the homework has begun. Unfortunately for a lot of parents, this is a tough routine to establish and often consists of tears and tantrums. Homework time can get frustrating, especially after a long day for your child at school and for you at work. Through trial and error, you can maintain an after-school and evening schedule that works best for your family.


Doing anything on an empty stomach is a recipe for disaster. After your child arrives home from school, take time to decompress and have a snack. Take this opportunity to talk about the day and work through any issues that may be on their mind. This will hopefully provide a clean slate and clear head when it comes to tackling homework.

Ask for help

Things have changed since you last attended school. If something leaves you unsure, ask for help. If you get frustrated, it’s likely to rub off you on your child and create frustration. Call on a friend, or even ask about tutors through your child’s school. Getting a tutor can provide your child with a sense of confidence! Get to know the parents of your children’s friends. This could be beneficial if an assignment is forgotten or homework instructions are unclear.

Create a Family Calendar

Schedule everything from playdates to extra curricular activities. This will ensure that nothing is scheduled on or around a heavy homework day or project due date because adding too much to an evening can easily overwhelm. If everything is scheduled, you won’t double book. Set aside time to study, read a book or practice for an upcoming test.

Have a Homework Zone

Create a spot in your home that is free of distractions. Most importantly, keep things like paper, scissors, glue, pens and pencils within reach. Add books, artwork and good lighting! If you don’t have a dedicated room to be able to provide a homework zone, consider adding it to a wall in your living room, dining room or in a hallway or on the landing of your stairway. Just make sure to remove distractions and have supplies readily available.

At Satori Foster, we believe in making homework more fun! Follow us on Facebook or TwitterLinkedIn or Instagram for more tips and resources. For more information about fostering contact Satori today!

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